,,<center> <img src="https://kidsdiscover.blob.core.windows.net/kdoassets/uploads/units/thumbnails/golden_hind_large.jpg">
<p style="margin-left: 40px">Choose Your Adventure: Exploration and Colonization</p> </center>
<p>You are about to embark on a grand world adventure. The New World has just been discovered! During the age of exploration, explorers were seekings the <b>3 G's: <u></b> Gold, God, and Glory </u>. Choose which type of explorer you would like to be. Be careful in your decisions...every action has a reaction and your story can change based off your choices!<p>
<b><u>Jacques Cartier</b></u>: A French explorer who is headed to the New World in hopes of setting up trading posts in the name of France. He is hoping to find furs and other goods that will earn him a large profit.
<b><u>Juan Ponce de Leon</b></u>: A Spanish Exlporer who is in search of gold in the New World. He will get it by any means necessary. He knows it is there and he will come back to Spain with the riches that his King desires.</p>
<b><u>John Smith</b></u>: An English explorer who is hoping to build and establish a settlement in the New World. He has heard that there are natives who may pose a problem, but he does not fear them.
<center><u>Who will you be?</u></center>
<center><img src="https://www.onthisday.com/images/people/jacques-cartier-medium.jpg"></center> <center>[[French Explorer]]</center>
<center> <img src="https://www.nps.gov/jame/learn/historyculture/images/jsmith-apva.jpg?maxwidth=650&autorotate=false"> <center> [[English Explorer]] </center>
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/77/Juan_Ponce_de_Le%C3%B3n.jpg/240px-Juan_Ponce_de_Le%C3%B3n.jpg"> <center>[[Spanish Explorer]]</center>
<center> <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/H53YNlQJ2QwYle2bZ1yAMNEHKlgg5C50SZy6y87TzgQ53drQJCEWx2tGqTUTKGZFb9HXGLkf2l2byocqj-7J5-WyFICsBQ_YzO4"> </center>
<p>Jacques and his crew have spent months at sea. The wind was rough and the waves were choppy. Many nights, Jacque would turn green with nauesea as the seasickness would kick in.<p>
<paragraph> According to his calculations, the wind has pushed them north from their anticipated landing point. It is colder than he expected and many crew members are falling ill. Jacques is hoping that they will land in the New World soon before everyone on board dies. </paragraph>
<paragraph> Jacques wraps a blanket around himself as he shivers in his cabin. There is an icy draft coming from his porthole window. He can see the waves as they crash against the glass causing the boat to rock from side to side. His stomach turns and he groans as the seasickness worsens. Jacques was looking to <u>find resources to trade in the name of France </u> while he is in the New World.
<paragraph> The morning brings landfall for the crew. The crewmembers rejoice as the sea has calmed and the sun is shining for the first time in weeks. Jacuqes stands on deck and admires the land before him. He is faced with a decision. What will the crew and him do first?
[[Search for Natives]]
[[Set Up Camp]] <center> <img src="https://www.gutenberg.org/files/28555/28555-h/images/image001.jpg"> </center>
<p> The year is 1607 and John Smith and a group of 100 men and boys from England are embarkinging on a mission. <u>They are looking to establish a settlement in the New World.</u> The voyage is rough and is taking longer than what John anticipated. They are quickly running out of food. By the time they make landfall, they will only have enough food for each person to get 1 cup of grain a day. People are complaining on board about the cramped conditions. Sickness spreads across the ship and one person does not recover. John is worried about the group as they make their way across the Atlantic. Many of them do not have farming or work experience. John Smith knows that in order for their settlement to suceed, they must all work hard. </p>
<p>After many months, the group finally makes landfall. John Smith is overjoyed to see something other than seawater. The crew anchors their ship in the harbor and begins to row small boats to shore. The area they have found meets all the requirements that the group paying for their mission-- the Virgina Company--had given for where they could settle. The land they found is a peninsula which will help them defend from Spanish attackers and the deep harbor meant they could anchor their ship easily.
<p>Many in the group are worried about the Native tribes that they have heard stories about. The Virginia Company insisted that they settle in land that was not inhabited by the Natives in order to avoid conflict. John Smith knows they must decide what they should do first. </p>
<p>Should they build shelters or explore the land?</p>
[[Explore the Land]]
[[Build Shelter]]
<center><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5a/65/fe/5a65fe018094f86587edc8b255971416.png"> </center>
<p> The year is 1506 and Ponce de Leon is sailing the atlantic for the New World. There are rumors that islands in the Caribbean are rich in <b> gold</b>. The Spanish king has given Ponce de Leon one mission--find gold by any means necessary.</p>
Ponce de Leon and his crew are amazed by the weather in this region. It is so warm!As they approach land they are eager to get off the boat that has been there home for many months.
<p> What should Ponce de Leon command his men to do first? </p>
[[Search for Gold]]
[[Establish a Colony]]
The crew uses small boats to row their way to the shore. They will leave the large ship anchored in the harbor. Jacques has decided they must search the coast and inner forest for Native Americans. In order to ensure their safety, they must establish a good relationship with the natives from the start. Jacques has heard mixed reviews from other explorers about the native tribes. He has been told that some are friendly and love to trade with the Europeans. Others have called them savages, who attack without hesitation. Jacques is thinking that if he makes peaceful contact, they will avoid any conflicts. The French want to make friends with the people that know the land in order to find furs and other resources that can be valuable.
<paragraph/> Jacques and his crew have spent the afternoon exploring the coast and the inner forest. The physical features are so different from France! He is amazed by the abundance of trees and different animals running around the forest. There are these small animals that make dams in the rivers. It seems that the water falls off of their fur. How amazing would that be to wear? If it rained, he would never get wet!
<p>The group have found the perfect spot to establish a camp and plan to begin cutting down trees immediatly to create their shelters. As Jacques is walking through the forest he comes across a clearing filled with longhouses. Longhouses are the homes built by Iroquois tribe members.</p>
<paragraph> When Jacques comes into the clearing, all movement in the tribe stops. They are starring at him like he is an alien. Jacques raises his hand in greeting and smiles. He knows he does not speak the same language as this tribe, but he must find a way to communicate and establish friendship. The Chief of the tribe steps forward and also raises his hand in greeting. </paragraph>
What should Jacques do next?
[[Make friends]]
[[Attack]] <paragraph> The crew uses small boats to row their way to the shore. They will leave the large ship anchored in the harbor. They decide to establish camp quickly. They do not want to waste the sunlight they have on searching an area they do not know. The men quickly begin to cut down trees and build temporary shelters. They will build something more sustainable (long lasting) later. </paragraph>
</p> Jacques and the crew are amazed by the new terrain (land) and all the different animals they have spotted around them. There are small little animals that build dams in the rivers. Their fur never seems to get wet. How wonderful would that fur be to wear? When it rains, it will run right off the clothing! He could make thousands with this idea in France.
<parapgraph> While building his own shelter near the water, Jacques sees movement behind the trees. He gasps and grabs for his sword. What if it is a big bear or a native coming to attack?! Jacques had been warned by other explorers that their are Natives that roam the land. He has heard mixed reviews about their actions toward Europeans. The moments seem to tick by as Jacques waits for the cause of the movement to make itself known. Suddenly, a group of Iroquois Native Americans emmerge. </paragraph>
<pargraph> Jacques must make a quick decision!</paragraph>
[[Remain Calm]]<p>After establishing a friendship with the Iroquis, Jacque is given gifts from the tribe. He is given maize (corn), beaver pelt (fur) and beautiful turqoise beads. He is excited to write back to his homeland and tell of the treasures that are able to be found in this new land. He is hoping to establish trading posts amongst the land that will become New France. </paragraph>
<paragraph> <b><u> 2 Months Later </paragraph> </b></u>
<paragraph> After writing back to France, Jacques recieves word to establish the trading posts he hoped to build. The crew has spent months exploring with the help of their new Iroquois friends. They have discovered al arge river that flows into a large lake. They named the river they discovered the St. Laurence river. Upon discovery of the first large lake, the crew finds more! This region would be later known as the Great Lakes. France has decided to send additional explorers to travel down a large river that they found starting from Lake Itasca. </paragraph>
<paragraph> The Iroquois have been wonderful in helping Jacques and his crew learn the region and how to hunt and plant food that will grow in the terrain. The region that they have come to love is now present day Canada. Other French explorers will discover the land along the present day Mississippi river and name it the Louisiana Territory. The end of the Missisippi River will become New Orleans, named after the French city of Orleans. This territory will be later bought by Thomas Jefferson and become part of the United States.
<p> You have come to the end of your adventure return to the beginning to learn about the other explorers! </p>
[[Choose Your Character! ]] <p>The crew rushes forward and begins to attack. However, they understimate the amount of people in the tribe and their skill. The tribe is able to use their war tactics to overpower the crew and kill them all. </p>
<p> You have come to the end of your journey. Your choices require you to return to the begining and start again</p>
<p> Maybe next time you will make smarter decisions. </p>
[[French Explorer]]<p>The crew rushes forward and begins to attack. However, they understimate the amount of people in the tribe and their skill. The tribe is able to use their war tactics to overpower the crew and kill them all. </p>
<p> You have come to the end of your journey. Your choices require your to return to the begining and start again</p>
<center> <img src="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/618DDixJvpL._SY355_.jpg"> </center>
<p> Maybe next time you will make your decisions wisely. </p>
[[French Explorer]]<p>Jacques raised his hand in greeting to the tribesman in front of him. He hoped they would understand he was trying to be friendly. Jacques waited, the minute that passed seemed to stretch forever. A man with a large headdressing came to the front of the group. He had a stern face and dark eyes. Jacques assumed this was the chief. The Chief looked at Jacques raised hand and mimicked his actions. A smile spread across his face. The message came across correctly. The Iroquis understood that he came peacefully.</p>
After establishing a friendship with the Iroquis, Jacque is given gifts from the tribe. He is given maize (corn), beaver pelt (fur) and beautiful beads. He is excited to write back to his homeland and tell of the treasures that are able to be found in this new land. Glory will be his! </p>
<p> <b><u> 2 Months Later </p> </b></u>
<p> After writing back to France, Jacques recieves word to establish trading posts in the region they are now calling New France. They have named the river they discovered the St. Laurence river and are planning an expedition on it in order to explore the region further. </p>
<p> The Iroquois have been wonderful in helping Jacques and his crew learn the region and how to hunt and plant food that will grow in the terrain. <p> The group decides to name their new settlement Jamestown after their great leader, King James I. The people who have sailed with John Smith lived privelaged lives prior to coming to the New World. There is lack of people who have performed hard work before. The majority expect someone else to complete the tasks for them. After a long month, the fort is finally completed. The group struggled to build the fort, as many had never done such work before. The fort resembled a triangle and had 3 small cannons in towers in each corner in order to defend them if they needed it. The group begins to strugglewith finding food sources. Many are becoming ill from drinking the salty river water. Shortly after the completion of the fort, it is discovered that they have settled on a tribe's hunting land. This group known as the Powhatans, have mixed feelings towards the Englishmen. John Smith and the others are faced with a decision about how to proceed with the Powhatans.</p>
<p> The people of Jamestown had to make a decision:</p>
[[Seek Out Help]]
[[Leave the New World]] The English set out to explore the land. The group is hoping to find the land clear of natives. They are also searching for sources of food and water. The men find a hopeful water source. The water is salty and slimy. Hopefully this won't cause them much harm!
<p>As John Smith and the group is exploring, they find that there are no Natives licing on the land. The group decides to build a fort for their settlement. After a long month, the fort is finally completed. The group struggled to build the fort, as many had never done such work before. The fort resembled a trianlge and had 3 small cannons in towers in each corner in order to defend them if they needed it. The group begins to strugglewith finding food sources. Many are becoming ill from drinking the salty river water. Shortly after the completion of the fort, it is discovered that they have settled on a tribe's hunting land. Thie group known as the Powhatans, have mixed feelings towards the Englishmen. John Smith and the others are faced with a decision about how to proceed with the Powhatans.:</p>
<p> What should they do?</p>
[[Ask for help]]
[[Abandon Jamestown]] <p>John Smith is able to create a relationship with the Powhatan tribe. Although the group has had some clashes with the English, they see that they are in desperate need of food. The Powhatans decide to begin giving gifts of food to the settlement. This would help Jamestown greatly.</p>
<p> John Smith worked to establish trade with the Powhatans. The relationship started to crumble after the first two years.</p>
<p>By 1609, Jamestown had had more English settlers join their settlement. Women had also joined the colony. However, the Powhatans had stopped gifting the settlement food and the group still had not established a stable food source. This would lead to a horrible winter that became known as the <b><u>starving times </b></u></p>
<p>During this winter,food had ran extremely low. People began to starve and many died from lack of food and disease. It was looking grim for the English and the group had agreed to abandon Jamestown in the Spring and return to England.</p>
<p> The Spring of 1610 brought a surprise to the people of Jamestown. King James had sent another charter (group) of settlers to Jamestown. This group brought crucial supplies, food, laborers and imporantly-farmers. The settlmeent would experiment with different crops and find that they were able to grow tobacaco.This would become their "cash crop", a resource that was very valuable. It made the settlement very rich. With the large amount of crops being produced, colonists realized they needed help to work their land. The slave trade began and slaves were brought from Africa to the new world to work on large farms.</p>
<p>You have finished your adventure, return to the beginning to learn about the other explorers!</p>
[[Choose Your Character! ]] <p>The people of Jamestown decide to leave the land. They return to England and do not return. </p>
<p> You must return to the beginning and try again. You must be careful in the decisions you make! </p>
[[English Explorer]] <p>John Smith is able to create a relationship with the Powhatan tribe. Although the group has had some clashes with the English, they see that they are in desperate need of food. The Powhatans decide to begin giving gifts of food to the settlement. This would help Jamestown greatly.</p>
<p> John Smith worked to establish trade with the Powhatans. The relationship started to crumble after the first two years.</p>
<p>By 1609, Jamestown had had more English settlers join their settlement. Women had also joined the colony. However, the Powhatans had stopped gifting the settlement food and the group still had not established a stable food source. This would lead to a horrible winter that became known as the <b><u>starving times </b></u></p>
<p>During this winter,food had ran extremely low. People began to starve and many died from lack of food and disease. It was looking grim for the English and the group had agreed to abandon Jamestown in the Spring and return to England.</p>
<p> The Spring of 1610 brought a surprise to the people of Jamestown. King James had sent another charter (group) of settlers to Jamestown. This group brought crucial supplies, food, laborers and imporantly-farmers. The settlmeent would experiment with different crops and find that they were able to grow tobacaco.This would become their "cash crop", a resource that was very valuable. It made the settlement very rich. With the large amount of crops being produced, colonists realized they needed help to work their land. The slave trade began and slaves were brought from Africa to the new world to work on large farms.</p>
You have reached the end of your adventure. Return to the beginning to learn about the other explorers.
[[Choose Your Character! ]] The people of Jamestown decide to give up and return to England. They load the boat with what little supplies they have left and leave the New World. Due to the lack of supplies, the members of the Virginia Company do not make it back to England. There boat was found floating by Spanish Spainards without a soul aboard.
</p> You have come to the end of your journey, return to the beginning an restart. Remember to be careful in the decisions you make. </p>
[[English Explorer]] The people of Jamestown decide to give up and return to England. They load the boat with what little supplies they have left and leave the New World. Due to the lack of supplies, the members of the Virginia Company do not make it back to England. There boat was found floating by Spanish Spainards without a soul aboard.
</p> You have come to the end of your journey, return to the beginning an restart. Remember to be careful in the decisions you make. </p>
[[English Explorer]] <p>Ponce de Leon sets off right away to search for gold. He sends his man to scour the island. They spend all of their time trying to find it. Ponce de Leon is becoming defeated. In the months they have spent on the island they haven't acheived any of their goals set by the King. There is no gold, no settlement, and the natives keep invading their camp and stealing their suppplies. Ponce de Leon knows he should use their fancy weapons against the Natives, but fears the retaliation will derail their entire operation. </p>
<p> After months of finding nothing, the men begin to become worn out. They are hungry and wanting to return home. Ponce de Leon recieves a letter from a supply ship that their operation is over. He has failed. Ponce de Leon will be stripped of all his titles and glory upon his re-entry to Spain. He is ruined! </p>
<p> You have reached the end of your adventure, please return to the beginning and re-try</p>
[[Spanish Explorer]] Ponce de Leon quickly explores the land with crew and discovers they are on an island. As the instructions from his King specifies, he is to establish a colony here in the name of Spain. Ponce de Leon decides to name his settlement <i>Caparra</i>. This settlement is near present day San Juan on the island of Puerto Rico. Now that the settlement is up and running Ponce de Leon must find gold. It is the one thing his King has requested. Ponce de Leon knows there are natives on the island. He has had a few interactions with them. Ponce de Leon thinks they have the answer to his gold problem. What should he do?
[[Ask the Natives where it is]]
[[Conquer the Natives]]Ponce de Leon confronts the Natives. He is able to build a relationship with them and find out where the gold is. Ponce de Leon is happy to find the gold on the island and has his men quickly begin to mine it. </p>
<p>The Spanish King is thrilled with the news of gold in the new settlement. He grants Ponce de Leon another contract. Ponce de Leon has learned information from the Natives about gold on other islands and an extremely rare fountain that can cure any illness. It is even speculated to make its recipiants younger! Ponce de Leon is calling it the fountain of youth. He is leaving the island with his crew in hopes of finding this island that the natives call Bimini.</p>
[[On to Bimini]] Ponce de Leon confronts the Natives. His men and him decide to use force in order to find out where the gold is. The Natives fear them, especially since they have weapons that are superior to their bows and arrows. Ponce de Leon does not care if there were a few casualities in their squirmishes. Ponce de Leon is happy to find the gold on the island and has his men quickly begin to mine it. </p>
<p>The Spanish King is thrilled with the news of gold in the new settlement. He grants Ponce de Leon another contract. Ponce de Leon has learned information from the Natives about gold on other islands and an extremely rare fountain that can cure any illness. It is even speculated to make its recipiants younger! Ponce de Leon is calling it the fountain of youth. He is leaving the island with his crew in hopes of finding this island that the natives call Bimini.</p>
[[On to Bimini]] <p>Ponce de Leon and his crew have been sailing for a few days. They have decided to go north of their island to seek out Bimini. When they find land, they are excited to begin their search for the Fountain of Youth. Ponce de Leon cannot wait to be young forever. He begins to think of all the things he will be able to do once he has found the fountain. </p>
<p> Ponce de Leon and his men explore the island only to find out that it is not an island at all. Rather, they have found an peninsula with lush vegitation. Ponce de Leon decided to name this region Florida after the Chrsitian holiday Easter, (<i>Pascua Florida</i> in Spanish). The Spanish would continue conquering the southern portion of North America. They would settle all along the Gulf coast, spreading their language and Catholic faith as they conquered Native populations. There ruthless take over of Native populations would lead to Mexico being a Spanish speaking country with a majority of its population practicing Catholic. </p>
<p> You have come to the end of your adventure, return to the start to read about a new explorer </p>
[[Choose Your Character! ]]